8 minutes, forty-six seconds
For eight minutes, forty-six seconds Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd’s neck, ignoring him as he begged for his life
What is a life worth?
What are you willing to do?
Will you take the 846 challenge? Commit to spending at least 8 hours 46 minutes to fight racism. Better still, 84.6 hours combatting the hate and indifference that leads to too many deaths like this. Or best? 846 hours standing up for justice.
Being not racist is not enough, one needs to be anti-racist.
Believing it is wrong won’t change things if you don’t act.
There are many things you can do. Go to a protest. Work for a candidate who is committed to the changes we need. The possibilities are endless. Yet you need to commit.
Will you take the 846 challenge?